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These are some of the best from around the world.

Adidas Running Shoes 11/30/08 How did they make that commerical?
At The Urinal   1/18/09 Really, really funny guys here.
Beer Goggles (Banned) A little alcohol always changes the picture
Bikini Drop It's not entirely english - but you'll get the drift
Boob Pop Another foreign commercial - but cute!
Bowler Competition Never underestimate your opponent...
Bud Light Reggae at it's best.
Bud Light 2 I don't know how they get away with these on TV
Cashmir Perfume This is rated "R".  Be warned.
Cocaine Public Service Public service commercial on cocaine addiction
Devil May Cry software Not in english - but good graphics...
DHL Commercial Funny use of animals here.
Dog Chasing Cat Cat lovers will dig this.
Football (Fox News)  11/2/08 Surprise ending...
Football (Brazil)       11/2/08 Brazilian footbul must be exciting. 
Football (Canada)     11/2/08 Even in Canada it's funny!
Gesto De Amour      5/23/10 Public TV cancer commercial.
Girl Rips One Still don't understand the reason on this one
Harley Davidson     12/7/08 Get a Harley - even if you're blind!
Ice Cream Commercial - banned This was not THAT bad..
Jailguy - Newbie Bet he won't be alive tomorrow!
Japp Candy Bar Commercial Communication is the answer here...
Kids Stoned Chewables All parents can use these now and then.
Know When To Quit Vegas again...
Levi Strauss Made you watch the entire commercial, didn't it?
Lotto Problems Happens all over the world.
McDonalds Greatest Ad   11/09/08 Men will now buy 73% of all Micky Dee's burgers.
Mercedes Benz Mikey's havin' some fun!
Microsoft Ballmer before he was worth billions!
Microsoft XP - Banned I didn't know Microsoft was this racey.
Miller Lite Cat Fight Everyone watch this commercial - and the reruns.
Moosehead Lite - Dancing Doesn't work the same for guys...
Moosehead Lite - Tanning Ditto!
Nokia Cat Commercial I can see why they banned this one!
Norwegian Airlines - Banned In-laws at half price, you say!
Panties This might be unbelievable...
Pepsi - Banned Commercial I can see why.
Polident in Korea He needs it real bad...
Salmon I laughed like crazy when I first saw this one!
Sex In Korea - Banned Not what you're thinking...
Shark The Yellow Pages gets the right people.
Smack The Bird Come on! It's only a pidgeon.
Smarter Than Frogs Al Gore gets excited every time he sees this one!
Sony Camera - Banned It does have a racey element to it...
Sports Drink Amazing graphics in this commerical.
Tabasco So that's how comets hit earth!
Toyota Commercial - #1 Payback is devine!
Toyota Commercial - #2 Life's experience unfolded.
Toyota - Human Touch  2/22/09 A little wacky here about the human element.
Woodpecker Beer The ducks get even!
Bus Crash Real video from inside a school bus that rolls over avoiding an accident.
Car Accident Camera inside a car with the driver not using a seatbelt
Car Crash, Oops I think he was just showin' off - and lost it.
Car Getting Thru Traffic Can't do this in Chicago with a cop on every block.
Car flipped him Ok - we're having fun now.  Next time cross at the light.
Cops Falling From Crane Looks like an engineering design flaw.
Corvette Accident A few more ponies in that beast than the driver can handle...
Crash Report Is this a coincidence - or what?
Fire Truck Accident Looks like a setup to me...
Oil Rig Collapse  We'd better get our act together on this!
Unloading a Car From A Truck How NOT to do it!  What state do they live in??
Accidents Aircraft Animals Bloopers Cars Cartoons
Celebrities Commercials Crooks Drinking Fights Games
Getting Even Home-front Magic Miscellaneous Motorcycles Nature
Office Fun Politics Rated "R" Skates and Snowboards Skill Sports
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